When Can You See Baby Heartbeat on Ultrasound?

Experiencing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is a treasured milestone, filled with excitement and joy.

At UBM Scans, we specialise in capturing these precious moments with our advanced ultrasound technology.

Below, we will guide you on when you can see and hear your baby’s heartbeat, offering insights into this beautiful journey.

When Does My Baby First Get Their Heartbeat?

The development of your baby’s heartbeat is an incredible process that begins early in pregnancy. Around 5 to 6 weeks gestation, the heart starts as a simple tube that soon begins to pulse with life. This early cardiac activity is the first indication of the heart’s development, often visible as a tiny flicker on an ultrasound.

Although the heart isn’t fully formed at this stage, this flickering marks the initial beats of what will become a fully functioning organ. By the end of this period, the heartbeat becomes more regular, signaling a significant step in your baby’s growth. This early stage is a crucial and exciting time, as it marks the beginning of your baby’s cardiovascular system.

What Does it Sound Like?

In the early weeks of pregnancy, the sound of your baby’s heartbeat is different from the familiar rhythmic beat we often associate with a heart. Initially, it may be detected as a rapid whooshing or galloping noise, which is actually the ultrasound machine converting the electrical activity of the developing heart cells into sound. This distinctive sound typically becomes detectable around 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy through your ultrasound.

As the heart develops and strengthens, the sound becomes more distinct and regular. The heartbeat can often be heard at a rate of 110 to 160 beats per minute, much faster than an adult’s heart rate. This quick tempo, resembling the sound of galloping horses, is a reassuring sign of your baby’s healthy development. For many parents, hearing this heartbeat for the first time is an emotional and affirming experience, providing a powerful connection to the new life growing within.

When Can I See the Baby’s Heartbeat on Ultrasound?

The ability to see your baby’s heartbeat is one of the earliest and most thrilling moments of a pregnancy.

At UBM Scans, we use advanced ultrasound technology to provide a detailed view of this early development. Typically, a baby’s heartbeat can first be seen on an ultrasound around 6 weeks into the pregnancy. During this stage, an ultrasound is often employed due to its ability to provide a clearer image when the embryo is still very small.

As the pregnancy progresses, usually by 7 to 8 weeks, the heartbeat becomes more visible, and an abdominal ultrasound may also be used. This transition is marked by the heart’s transformation from a simple tube into a more complex, four-chambered structure. Seeing this development on the screen is a profound experience, allowing parents to visually connect with their baby in a very real way.

The flickering motion that appears on the ultrasound is a sign of the heart’s early beats, a visual confirmation of the life growing within. This early stage can also provide crucial information about the baby’s development, including measurements that help confirm gestational age.

Read our recent article to learn what you can or cannot see in a 3D/4D ultrasound.

Tiny Beats, Big Moments – Listen to the Joy of Your Baby’s Heartbeat with UBM Scans

Experiencing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is a beautiful and unforgettable moment, filled with emotion and joy.

At UBM Scans, we are honoured to be a part of this special journey, offering a glimpse into the earliest stages of your baby’s life. From the first flicker of the heartbeat to the distinct sound of galloping rhythms, these moments provide a powerful connection between you and your growing baby.

We focus on providing a warm and supportive environment where you can relax and enjoy these moments. Our skilled sonographers are here to ensure you have a memorable and reassuring experience, capturing the first visual evidence of your baby’s heartbeat.

Don’t miss the opportunity to witness these precious moments.

Book your appointment today and cherish the first beats of your baby’s life.

Get in touch for any other enquiries.